Hi @Brian it seems that the data is missing for this Sid for Oct-5-2021. Could you please let me know if this a DB error?
prices = get_prices("usstock-1d-bundle", start_date="2021-07-01", end_date="2021-10-06", fields=["Close"])
Field Date
Close 2021-07-01 42.40
2021-07-02 42.44
2021-07-06 41.13
2021-07-07 41.32
2021-07-08 39.92
2021-09-30 40.17
2021-10-01 42.05
2021-10-04 40.45
2021-10-05 NaN
2021-10-06 39.58
Name: FIBBG00QVJYGM9, Length: 68, dtype: float64