Kitchensink_ml intraday error

Hi Brian and Quant Rocketers,

I am trying to get the kitchensink_ml code to work on intraday, but I get the following error:

   quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Collecting features from Minute_ML_POC.prices_to_features for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|adding techical indicator features
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Incrementally fitting StandardScaler with features for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Transforming features with StandardScaler for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Incrementally fitting SGDRegressor with transformed features for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Backtesting strategy from 2024-03-17 to 2024-03-23 with model trained through 2024-03-16
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|adding techical indicator features
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|Traceback (most recent call last):
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "sym://qrocket_app_py", line 499, in post
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "sym://qrocket_mshot_backtest_ml_walkforward_incremental_py", line 218, in analyze
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/moonshot/strategies/", line 407, in backtest
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|    return super(MoonshotML, self).backtest(
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/moonshot/strategies/", line 1341, in backtest
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|    weights = self.signals_to_target_weights(signals, prices)
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "/codeload/moonshot/", line 116, in signals_to_target_weights
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|    weights = weights.resample("D").first()
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 9435, in resample
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|    return get_resampler(
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1970, in get_resampler
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|    return tg._get_resampler(obj, kind=kind)
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 2160, in _get_resampler
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|    raise TypeError(
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|TypeError: Only valid with DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex or PeriodIndex, but got an instance of 'MultiIndex'
   quantrocket-moonshot-1|...The work of process 566 is done. Seeya!

I created a copy of the to leave only the technical indicators simplify the troubleshooting, but it is the same issue as the original one.
Here is the code:

import pandas as pd
from moonshot import MoonshotML
from moonshot.commission import PerShareCommission
from quantrocket.fundamental import get_sharadar_fundamentals_reindexed_like
from quantrocket import get_prices
from quantrocket.master import get_securities_reindexed_like

class USStockCommission(PerShareCommission):

class Minute_ML_POC(MoonshotML):

CODE = "minute-ml-poc"
DB = "usstock-1min-bundle"
UNIVERSES = "leveraged-efts"
# DB_FIELDS = ["Close", "Volume"]
# BENCHMARK_DB = "market-1d"
# VIX_SID = "IB13455763"
# TRIN_SID = "IB26718743"
MODEL = None
TIMEZONE = "America/New_York"
BENCHMARK_TIME = "14:00:00" ## TODO: added for troubleshooting, needs to be removed

def prices_to_features(self, prices: pd.DataFrame):

    closes = prices.loc["Close"]

    features = {}

    print("adding techical indicator features")
    self.add_technical_indicator_features(prices, features)

    returns = (closes - closes.shift(5)) / closes.shift(5).where(closes.shift(5) > 0) # 5 minutes?
    targets = returns.shift(-5)

    return features, targets

def add_technical_indicator_features(self, prices: pd.DataFrame, features: dict[str, pd.DataFrame]):
    Various technical indicators:

    - Bollinger bands
    - RSI
    - Stochastic oscillator
    - Money Flow Index
    closes = prices.loc["Close"]

    # relative position within Bollinger Bands (0 = at or below lower band, 1 = at or above upper band)
    mavgs = closes.rolling(20).mean()
    stds  = closes.rolling(20).std()
    upper_bands = mavgs + (stds * 2)
    lower_bands = mavgs - (stds * 2)
    # Winsorize at upper and lower bands
    winsorized_closes = closes.where(closes > lower_bands, lower_bands).where(closes < upper_bands, upper_bands)
    features["close_vs_bbands"] = (winsorized_closes - lower_bands) / (upper_bands - lower_bands)

    # RSI (0-1)
    returns = closes.diff()
    avg_gains = returns.where(returns > 0).rolling(window=14, min_periods=1).mean()
    avg_losses = returns.where(returns < 0).abs().rolling(window=14, min_periods=1).mean()
    relative_strengths = avg_gains / avg_losses.where(avg_losses != 0)
    features["RSI"] = 1 - (1 / (1 + relative_strengths.fillna(0.5)))

    # Stochastic oscillator (0-1)
    highest_highs = closes.rolling(window=14).max()
    lowest_lows = closes.rolling(window=14).min()
    features["stochastic"] = (closes - lowest_lows) / (highest_highs - lowest_lows)

    # Money flow (similar to RSI but volume-weighted) (0-1)
    money_flows = closes * prices.loc["Volume"]
    positive_money_flows = money_flows.where(returns > 0).rolling(window=14, min_periods=1).sum()
    negative_money_flows = money_flows.where(returns < 0).rolling(window=14, min_periods=1).sum()
    money_flow_ratios = positive_money_flows / negative_money_flows.where(negative_money_flows > 0)
    features["money_flow"] = 1 - (1 / (1 + money_flow_ratios.fillna(0.5)))

def predictions_to_signals(self, predictions: pd.DataFrame, prices: pd.DataFrame):
    closes = prices.loc["Close"]
    volumes = prices.loc["Volume"]
    # avg_dollar_volumes = (closes * volumes).rolling(self.DOLLAR_VOLUME_WINDOW).mean()
    # dollar_volume_ranks = avg_dollar_volumes.rank(axis=1, ascending=False, pct=True)
    # have_adequate_dollar_volumes = dollar_volume_ranks <= (self.DOLLAR_VOLUME_TOP_N_PCT/100)

    # Save the predictions and prices so we can analyze them
    self.save_to_results("Prediction", predictions)
    self.save_to_results("Close", closes)
    self.save_to_results("Volume", volumes)

    # Buy (sell) stocks with best (worst) predicted return
    # have_best_predictions = predictions.where(have_adequate_dollar_volumes).rank(ascending=False, axis=1) <= 10
    # have_worst_predictions = predictions.where(have_adequate_dollar_volumes).rank(ascending=True, axis=1) <= 10

    # Buy (sell) stocks with best (worst) predicted return
    have_best_predictions = predictions.rank(ascending=False, axis=1) <= 10
    have_worst_predictions = predictions.rank(ascending=True, axis=1) <= 10
    signals = have_best_predictions.astype(int).where(have_best_predictions, -have_worst_predictions.astype(int).where(have_worst_predictions, 0))

    return signals

def signals_to_target_weights(self, signals: pd.DataFrame, prices: pd.DataFrame):
    # Allocate equal weights
    daily_signal_counts = signals.abs().sum(axis=1)
    weights = signals.div(daily_signal_counts, axis=0).fillna(0)

    # Rebalance weekly
    # Resample daily to weekly, taking the first day's signal
    # For pandas offset aliases, see
    weights = weights.resample("D").first()
    # Reindex back to daily and fill forward
    weights = weights.reindex(prices.loc["Close"].index, method="ffill")

    weights = self.allocate_equal_weights(signals)

    return weights

def target_weights_to_positions(self, weights: pd.DataFrame, prices: pd.DataFrame):
    # Enter the position the day after the signal

    return weights.shift()

def positions_to_gross_returns(self, positions: pd.DataFrame, prices: pd.DataFrame):

    closes = prices.loc["Close"]
    gross_returns = closes.pct_change() * positions.shift()
    # print("gross_returns")
    # print (gross_returns)
    return gross_returns

Thank you!

Intraday dataframes use a multi-index of dates and times rather than a datetime index. You need to convert the multi-index to a datetime index, then resample, then restore the original index. Replace this:

weights = weights.resample("D").first()
weights = weights.reindex(prices.loc["Close"].index, method="ffill")

With this:

orig_index = weights.index
weights.index = pd.to_datetime(weights.index.get_level_values("Date").astype(str) + ' ' + weights.index.get_level_values("Time"))
weights = weights.resample("D").first()
weights = weights.reindex(orig_index, level="Date")

Thanks Brian!
I applied the changes and the same error moved from my strategy to moonchart/

quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO [minute-ml-poc] Walk-forward analysis progress
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO train test progress
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO start end start end status Sharpe
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO iteration
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 0 2024-03-10 2024-03-16 2024-03-17 2024-03-23 -
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 1 2024-03-17 2024-03-23 2024-03-24 2024-03-30
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 2 2024-03-24 2024-03-30 2024-03-31 2024-04-06
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 3 2024-03-31 2024-04-06 2024-04-07 2024-04-13
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 4 2024-04-07 2024-04-13 2024-04-14 2024-04-20
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 5 2024-04-14 2024-04-20 2024-04-21 2024-04-27
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 6 2024-04-21 2024-04-27 2024-04-28 2024-05-04
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 7 2024-04-28 2024-05-04 2024-05-05 2024-05-10
quantrocket-flightlog-1|2024-05-25 03:09:18 quantrocket.moonshot: INFO 8 2024-05-05 2024-05-10 NaN NaN
quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Collecting features from Minute_ML_POC.prices_to_features for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
quantrocket-moonshot-1|adding techical indicator features
quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Incrementally fitting StandardScaler with features for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Transforming features with StandardScaler for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Incrementally fitting SGDRegressor with transformed features for 2024-03-10 to 2024-03-16
quantrocket-moonshot-1|[minute-ml-poc] Backtesting strategy from 2024-03-17 to 2024-03-23 with model trained through 2024-03-16
quantrocket-moonshot-1|adding techical indicator features
quantrocket-moonshot-1|Traceback (most recent call last):
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "sym://qrocket_app_py", line 499, in post
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "sym://qrocket_mshot_backtest_ml_walkforward_incremental_py", line 245, in analyze
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "sym://qrocket_mshot_backtest_ml_walkforward_progress_py", line 36, in completed
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/moonchart/", line 254, in get_sharpe
quantrocket-moonshot-1| returns = _pad_returns(returns)
quantrocket-moonshot-1| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/moonchart/", line 208, in _pad_returns
quantrocket-moonshot-1| bdays = pd.date_range(start=returns.index.min(), end=returns.index.max(),freq="B")
quantrocket-moonshot-1| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 1009, in date_range
quantrocket-moonshot-1| dtarr = DatetimeArray._generate_range(
quantrocket-moonshot-1| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/", line 407, in _generate_range
quantrocket-moonshot-1| start = Timestamp(start)
quantrocket-moonshot-1| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "timestamps.pyx", line 1899, in
quantrocket-moonshot-1| File "conversion.pyx", line 325, in pandas._libs.tslibs.conversion.convert_to_tsobject
quantrocket-moonshot-1|TypeError: Cannot convert input [(Timestamp('2024-03-18 00:00:00'), '09:30:00')] of type <class 'tuple'> to Timestamp
quantrocket-moonshot-1|...The work of process 35 is done. Seeya!

That's a bug in the progress logging on intraday strategies. Pending the release of a fix, please work around it by turning off logging on intraday strategies: ml_walkforward(..., progress=False).

A fix to allow progress=True with intraday strategies has been backported to the current release. Assuming you're running the latest version of QuantRocket (2.10.x), you can get the fix by running:

docker compose pull moonshot
docker compose up -d moonshot

Hey Brian it worked! Big thanks!

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