Cannot login to live IB account

After all the deployment steps, quantrocket don't connect to my IB account (Live).
for information:

  • This issue occurs only with the live account (i.e. successful connection to the paper account).
  • I opted out of the SLS.

I tried the following (unsuccessful):

  • quantrocket launchpad stop --wait
  • quantrocket launchpad start --wait
  • docker-compose -p quantrocket up -d --force-recreate ibg1

Any similar experience?
what the error message might mean? or debug quantrocket in similar situation?
I am very new to quantrocket, and I feel blocked with no clue on what to do to debug. Any help and guidance would be very appreciated.

I get the following message:

{'ibg1': {'msg': '500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: http://houston/ibg1/gateway: b'{"status": "error", "error": "IBC is running but IB Gateway is not accepting connections. IBC log output is below: 2018-07-28 19:53:01:411 IBC: Ensuring /root/Jts/jts.ini contains required minimal lines\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:01:411 IBC: Found section: [Logon]\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:01:411 IBC: Can\'t find setting: s3store=false\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:01:412 IBC: Found section: [Logon]\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:01:412 IBC: Found setting: s3store=true\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:01:412 IBC: Found section: [IBGateway]\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:01:412 IBC: Found setting: ApiOnly=true\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:01:412 IBC: Confirmed /root/Jts/jts.ini contains required minimal lines\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:04:509 IBC: Detected frame entitled: IB Gateway; event=Opened\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:04:510 IBC: Setting Trading mode = live\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:04:634 IBC: Detected frame entitled: IB Gateway; event=Activated\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:04:641 IBC: Click button: Login\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:05:494 IBC: Detected frame entitled: IB Gateway. API Account: point0049; event=Opened\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:05:495 IBC: Found Gateway main window\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:05:520 IBC: Detected frame entitled: IB Gateway. API Account: point0049; event=Activated\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:05:764 IBC: Detected frame entitled: Authenticating...; event=Opened\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:05:780 IBC: Detected frame entitled: Authenticating...; event=Activated\\n\\nLogModuleConfigurator-Init: Log4j Ver2.x found on classpath\\n\\nLogModuleConfigurator-Init: LogModuleConfigurator initialized with Log4j Verd.x\\n\\n2018-07-28 19:53:10:205 IBC: Detected frame entitled: Starting application...; event=Closed\\n"}\n'',
'status': 'error'},

The first thing I would try is to open the IB Gateway GUI and see if it is displaying any error messages: Usage Guide

thanks Brian for the feedback.
I did check the IB Gateway GUI, and this is what it shows:

which is different from what I see for the paper account which connects successfully below:

Are the menus responsive when you click them on the live account?

Things to try:

  • Edit your Compose file to use quantrocket/ibg:972.0 (previous version of IB Gateway), redeploy, and see if you get the same results.
  • Are you able to log into Trader Workstation with the live account and everything works okay?

It's hard to see why the live and paper account would have different outcomes...

Also, unless you’re ready to do live trading, you don’t really need your live account yet. You can share your market data permissions with your paper account and use your paper account.

the change to "quantrocket/ibg:972.0" made it work! now I have both accounts connected (live and paper).
though it sounds a bit weird why the live account would work only with the 972 version of IB Gateway.

Thank you very much Brian for your help !

I was able to replicate the live vs paper login issue in 973.0. This has been fixed in quantrocket/ibg:973.1.

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