Whilst testing paper trading on Apaca, I noticed that there's a mismatch between what QR thinks is the case and what Alpaca thinks.
QR entered the market at ~3:30:
quantrocket blotter status
At 3:45 I submitted the MOC close order:
quantrocket blotter close --order-refs 'first-last-live' --params 'OrderType:MKT' 'Tif:MOC' | quantrocket blotter order -f '-'
quantrocketec2_houston_1| - - [26/Jun/2020:19:45:03 +0000] "DELETE /blotter/positions.csv?order_refs=first-last-live¶ms=OrderType%3AMKT¶ms=Tif%3AMOC HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "-" "-"
quantrocketec2_houston_1| - - [26/Jun/2020:19:45:03 +0000] "POST /blotter/orders HTTP/1.1" 200 3 "-" "-"
But this order doesn't show up in the blotter status and my positions are empty:
quantrocket blotter positions
However my Alpaca account still shows the 33 short.