Zipline Unique Constraint Error on Ingest

I'm trying to ingest futures data from Interactive Brokers for Australian Dollar Futures which has a three letter root symbol of AUD, and it's causing the following error when I try to ingest into a Zipline bundle:

sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: futures_root_symbols.root_symbol

Ingesting futures data with two character root symbols works fine.

The two character root symbol for Australian Dollar Futures is AD, but this does not return any results when querying the master database:

quantrocket master get --sec-type FUT --symbols AD
msg: No securities match the query parameters
status: error

This affects all currency futures from Interactive Brokers as well as VIX and NKD (Dollar Denominated Nikkei 225 Index).

Please advise on how I can ingest historical data for these securities.


I'm not able to reproduce this error. I'm able to ingest AUD and NKD futures without issue. Based on the error message, it might be that you had the same root symbol associated with two different exchanges. If so, there is a more helpful error message for that in version 2.1.0. I would try again with the latest release.