Zipline ingest doesnt work via tutorial

I have followed the tutorial 5 times and I end up with the same error:

2020-12-31 09:24:29 quantrocket.zipline: ERROR zipline-us-bundle bundle ingestion failed: ('400 Client Error: BAD REQUEST for url: http://houston/master/securities.csv?universes=US&fields=Sid&fields=Exchange&fields=Country&fields=Symbol&fields=SecType&fields=Currency&fields=Name&fields=DateDelisted&fields=Timezone&fields=Multiplier&fields=PriceMagnifier&fields=LastTradeDate&fields=RolloverDate', {'status': 'error', 'msg': 'No securities match the query parameters'})

I'm a bit lost. I know the data is created

quantrocket history create-usstock-db 'zipline-us' --bar-size '1 day' --universe 'US'
quantrocket history collect 'zipline-us'
quantrocket zipline create-bundle-from-db 'zipline-us-bundle' --from-db 'zipline-us' --calendar 'NYSE' --start-date '2007-01-01' --universe 'US
quantrocket zipline ingest 'zipline-us-bundle'
quantrocket zipline list-bundles

nyse-stock-1d: false
nyse-stock-1d-bundle: false
usstock-free-1min: true
zipline-bundle: false
zipline-us-bundle: false

You’re limiting the ingestion to a universe called ‘US’ which you haven’t created and therefore doesn’t match any securities. Omit the parameter. You’re confusing the "universe" parameter for quantrocket history create-usstock-db (QuantRocket-defined universe) with the "universes" parameter for create-bundle-from-db (user-defined universes).

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It still means that the step by step manual is incorrect and should be updated. If one follows the zipline tutorial it works but not from the Docs