I have a cron job that runs at 1pm HKT (so that's 1am EST now) and it seems writing the execution records to blotter messes with the IB NA server overnight reset.
Orders are still generated/sent to IB/executed, but the execution records don't seem to be captured in the blotter record, with the following error:
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_log_py", line 34, in wrapped
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_spooler_py", line 89, in spooler_start_order_monitor
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_blotter_monitor_py", line 106, in run
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_blotter_monitor_py", line 283, in write_executions_to_db
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_blotter_monitor_py", line 375, in invalidate_pnl
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR TimeoutError: Timeout waiting for mule to write PNL invalidations to database
quantrocket.blotter: ERROR
Anything I can do to avoid this happening again (it has been happening for the last few days with regularity), other than scheduling the cron job, for example, 30mins later?
Thank you.