We would like to start using Sharadar data provider to get the VIX index (CBOE exchange). We are currently using QuantRocket 1.9.1 version.
In this link Sharadar Data Pricing we read this: "... professional users must purchase Sharadar data from Quandl. After doing so and connecting your Quandl account, you will be able to access the data in QuantRocket."
The step to connect Quandl account is only in QuantRocket 2.0 documentation. Not any mention to it in 1.9 documentation
We also tried from this link: https://docs-1-9--quantrocket.netlify.app/pricing/data/sharadar/ but all the page is like disabled (grey tone) and we can not click "Sign up" button.
Is there a way to start using Sharadar with 1.9.1 version? Do we have to upgrade to 2.0 to get it?