Going off a previous thread, I followed the steps to install ib_insync and run the sample "get_scan_data.py" file on my installation of QR. When I first tried it, it worked perfectly and I was able to install my slightly modified ib_insync version to download positions by model.
However, when I try to run the same scripts (that were working before) it gets stuck and doesn't produce any output. I have tried running the sample "get_scan_data.py" and it doesn't work either. I thought maybe it was my modified version so I installed the original ib_insync version 0.9.37 but it still gets stuck.
It gets stuck on ib.connect('ibg1', 4001, clientId = 1). If I bring up the Gateway GUI it does show the Client 1 connected and looking at the gateway log there is stuff going on.
Thanks for any help.