Scheduling Python scripts using Crontab

I'd like to use the countdown service to run a Python script to collect some data and other functions.

I understand that commands such as 'quantrocket history collect' can be executed by Crontab. However, for more complex workflows, I believe it's better to use Python for this task, and reserve Crontab for pure scheduling.

Running my Python script '' from JupyterLab works fine.

I've tried running the same script using Crontab with the following command:
* * * * * python /codeload/data/scripts/

However, I get an ImportError: 'No module named quantrocket.master'.

I understand that when Python scripts are executed from JupyterLab the environment on my machine is /opt/conda/lib/python3.6, which also has the required site-packages /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/quantrocket/, etc.

I assume when Crontab executes python that it is calling on the system's default python, which wouldn't include the quantrocket package.

How do I get Crontab to tell my machine to use 'quantrocket' Python?

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Use the satellite service to run custom scripts:

* * * * * quantrocket satellite exec 'python /codeload/data/scripts/'
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