Reset Paper-Trading Credentials

In the past I have collected data via an IB paper-trading account but been able to access the live account separately. I was able to collect data on the live-trading account in QR v2 with no problems. When I went to reset my paper-trading credentials I received this error.

set_credentials("ibg1", username="PAPER_ACCT", trading_mode="paper")

This is a similar error that arose when I tried starting & stopping the ibg1 again.

Tried navigating to the destinations it mentioned to potentially remove them, but wasn't able to access.

Can you try recreating the container:

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate ibg1

At first it seemed to have worked. I reset the paper-creds, said successfully set, and can see the IB Gateway GUI as the paper account.
When I went to test it, I signed into my live account from my phone, but instantly got this error saying it was again connected to a different IP address still. As soon as I logged out of my live-account on my phone, it started collecting again under the paper-creds.

  • I even went as far as copying my code to my local computer with docker cp, tear down the v2 installation with:

$ docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
$ rm -r ~/quantrocket

Then re-install the v2 installation with the typical curl & docker compose

$ cd ~/quantrocket
$ docker-compose -p quantrocket up -d

Is there a caching issue happening somewhere? I noticed my old jupyter notebooks were still there once I tore down and re-installed. I was under the assumption this would create a blank slate?

After multiple re-collects, the data was collected successfully.
The paper-trading account being knocked off by the live login persists.

That's expected, you can't log in to your live account and the corresponding paper account at the same time. The live account shares market data with the paper account and the exchanges do not allow IBKR to allow two sessions at the same time with only one market data subscription.

If you create a second user login (not just the first user's paper account) and subscribe to market data under that login too, then you have 4 total logins (two live and two corresponding paper) and you can have two sessions at once, one for the user1 account (live or paper but not both) and one for the user2 account (live or paper but not both).

Hi Brian, yes I have done this prior. What I'm confused about is within the account settings there is a "Paper Trading Account" I have always used, rather than an additional user.
I currently have 5 logins for one associated account:

  1. user1 live
  2. user1 paper (identical username as live)
  3. user1 "Paper Trading Account" (different username to login to this paper account)
    Settings -> Account Settings->Configuration-> Paper Trading Account
  4. user2 live
  5. user2 paper
    Settings -> Account Settings->Configuration-> Users & Access Rights

Typically I have been able to pull data and test paper trades via 3, but still have access to 1 via IB App. 3 is where all paper blotter trades has been sent to. I have not had to use 4 or 5.