I have few queries regarding the realtime and history databse prices.
q-1. Is it posssible to collect historical data in real time databases? if not how can i have the same data in history and real time database.
I tried colllecting data for history and real time database. with following db configs.
Realtime Config.
{'universes': ['ibkr-fx-eurusd-tick'],
'vendor': 'ibkr',
'fields': ['BidPrice', 'AskPrice']}
RealTime Aggregate data config.
{'tick_db_code': 'ibkr-fx-eurusd-tick',
'bar_size': '1m',
'fields': ['AskPriceClose', 'BidPriceClose']}
History db config.
{'universes': ['idealpro-fx'],
'vendor': 'ibkr',
'bar_size': '1 min',
'bar_type': 'ASK',
'shard': 'off',
'fields': ['Open',
I collected data for 2024-03-29 and compared the prices with infer_timezone=False parameter passed. ideally both databaase should have same prices but following things are happenning.
q-2 There are less number of rows in history database.
q-3 Prices are different for many rows in history vs realtime.