I am trying to query the real time aggregate database using the code given below.
from quantrocket import get_prices
prices = get_prices(
end_date ='2024-03-14' ,
fields=["AskPriceClose", "BidPriceClose"]
But for some reason it is also giving the data of 13th march .
I can see in the logs that there a get request made
quantrocket-houston-1| - - [24/Mar/2024:14:56:02 +0000] "GET /realtime/ibkr-fx-eurusd-1min.csv?start_date=2024-03-14&end_date=2024-03-14&fields=BidPriceClose&fields=AskPriceClose HTTP/1.1" 200 67422 "-" "python-urllib3/2.1.0"
but unable to understand why i am getting data for 2024-03-13 as well