Periodic loss of license information

My Quantrocket installation periodically loses its license information. Querying quantrocket license get returns software_license: {}, and --force-refresh just hangs. I don't see anything terribly revealing in the logs, but I am happy to upload them somewhere, if you want to look.

Stopping all docker containers and then starting them again does not resolve the issue. However, restarting my computer does resolve it, for a while. I am not very proficient with Docker, so it seems strange to me that restarting the host vs restarting the containers have different effects. Maybe it's a docker networking issue? This is running in WSL2/Ubuntu.

I am also (maybe relatedly?) having trouble collecting updates to the one-min zipline bundle. It times out after a few hundred sids (with a logs message something like "problem with sid XXXX. retry one of 3," which hangs indefinitely). Again, restarting the host seems to be the only way to resolve the problem. Appreciate your advice.

It sounds like network-related issues as both examples you mention involve reaching out to the internet.

Did you install Docker directly onto Ubuntu? The normal way to run Docker on Windows is with Docker Desktop for Windows (as per the installation guide), so if you installed it differently from that, I would try re-installing QuantRocket using Docker Desktop for Windows.

Thanks for confirming. I have Desktop installed, but it's possible I installed Docker using apt (my Docker installation has been around a while). I think perhaps I will try a clean slate: new WSL image, new Docker, and new QuantRocket containers. I'll do a local backup and restore for data and code. Let me know if there's anything else I should be aware of, for the migration. Thanks.