Oracle Cloud Deployment

@Brian I've created an Oracle Cloud Instance and I've confirmed the instance is running as evidenced by Houston Logs. However, I've been unable to get my URL to successfully launch with an error message indicating the "Site can't be reached" and "refused to connect". It appears the Let's Encrypt domain has not been established yet. Do I need to do something to get that set up? Please advise.

chris@Chriss-MBP-2 quantrocket % docker --context cloud compose logs houston
houston-1  | no BASIC_AUTH_USER found so not creating .htpasswd file
houston-1  | LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN not set so not installing SSL
houston-1  | - - [18/Mar/2025:23:34:30 +0000] "POST /flightlog/handler HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "-"

It sounds like you might be using the docker-compose.yml that's for local deployments instead of the one for cloud deployments.

@Brian I was able to resolve the issue. Next question, does Quantrocket Auto-Renew the Let's Encrypt certificate or is that something I need to schedule via a Cron job? Please advise. Thanks.

It auto-renews.

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