I'm running into an issue running equities_intro/Part1-Collect-Listings.ipynb
on this line:
from quantrocket.master import collect_listings collect_listings(exchanges="ARCA", sec_types="STK")
HTTPError: ('403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN for url: http://houston/master/securities?exchanges=ARCA&sec_types=STK', {'status': 'error', 'msg': 'No permission for exchange ARCA. (View license details if this is unexpected, see http://qrok.it/h/lkey for help)'})
I am subscribed to the US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle (the $10 a month one), and have shared it with my Paper account as the documentation says. In QuantRocket I tried running both live and paper accounts, and the result is the same both times when I hit this line. I went to IB's Market Data Assistant tool, and when I search ARCA, my Value Bundle shows up in the result. I also tried "NYSE" as the exchange in the code, but received the same HTTPError.
I'm currently evaluating QuantRocket with the 14-day license (the $100k limited one).
Any ideas how I can get around this error and get the 'equities-intro' demo to work?
All the Best.