I subscribed to EDI data for 5 countries but I found for some of the countries, there are certain dates where data is missing for almost all securities.
Here is closing price data I have for XJPX:
from quantrocket import get_prices
DB = "japan-1d"
start_date = "2007-01-01"
prices = get_prices(DB, start_date=start_date, fields="Close")
closes = prices.loc["Close"]
closes.count(axis=1).plot() # get total number of non NaN entries in every row
There are six dates where only a handful of stocks have data:
Data is missing for other fields as well on these dates (Open, Volume, TradedValue etc.)
Here is Sweden and Netherlands data:
Checking EDI documentation, I saw this note:
Could the missing data be in a repush file and haven't been added back into the dataset? Or is there another reason for the missing data?
Appreciate your help on this.