I'm noticing differences between daily and minute prices within the usstock daily/minute data sets. Is this expected, or a bug?
Daily prices for OVV on 3/10/2020 from usstock daily dataset:
get_prices('usstock-daily', sids='FIBBG00R2NHQ65', start_date='2020-03-10', end_date='2020-03-10', fields=['Open','High','Low','Close', 'Volume'])
Daily prices for OVV on 3/10/2020 from usstock minute dataset:
get_prices('usstock-minute', data_frequency='daily', sids='FIBBG00R2NHQ65', start_date='2020-03-10', end_date='2020-03-10', fields=['Open','High','Low','Close', 'Volume'])
Overall, it appears the usstock-minute dataset is the most accurate, at least when compared with my main charting platform and other data providers. Now that we can easily get daily prices from the usstock-minute bundle, I can use that as an alternative, but would be good to know what's going on here.