Method to directly access history db csv file

i can see in the logs that whenever i call download_history_file or get_prices a get request is made to get the prices csv file with params

  quantrocket-houston-1| - - [25/May/2024:16:47:04 +0000] "GET /history/idealpro-fx-1m-bid-history.csv?start_date=2023-11-24&end_date=2023-11-24&sids=FXEURUSD&fields=Close HTTP/1.1" 200 44375 "-" "python-urllib3/1.26.18"

question: Is their a way which i can directly access the idealpro-fx-1m-bid-history.csv file?

As currently i am getting Error: ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine('9:00-05:00,1.131\r\n'))
on a random basis when i try to do get prices multiple time very frequently.

I'm not sure I understand the question, but download_history_file returns a CSV so you can directly access a CSV by calling that function. get_prices calls download_history_file but does some additional processing of the CSV file to return a DataFrame.

My question is when I do download_history_file very frequently sometimes it gives bad status line error like above

So if it's possible to directly access the price data without using download_history_file or get_proces

download_history_file is how you get a CSV, unless you query the database directly (not officially supported). I don’t understand what you’re trying to do, but if you want to call download_history_file less, why not call it once to get the file then access the downloaded file directly for subsequent requests?