Hello everyone!
Sorry in advance for the long post, I hope, I will make my point clear.
My goal is to maintain an Historical Database with both eod-price and fundamentals data.
I set the cron-jobs below into countdown (Timezone America/New York).
# Update the 'nyse' universe, Monday-Friday evenings at 16:30
30 16 * * 1-5 quantrocket master get -e 'NYSE' | quantrocket master universe 'nyse' -a -f -
# Fetch historical price data for the 'nyse' universe, Monday-Friday evenings at 17:30
30 17 * * 1-5 quantrocket history fetch 'nyse-eod'
# Fetch fundamental data for the 'nyse' universe, Monday-Friday evenings at 18:30
30 18 * * 1-5 quantrocket fundamental fetch-financials --universes 'nyse'
The first step is important to update the list of active contracts traded on the NYSE (delisting, new entries, etc...)
Then after having created a database with the following command (needed one, therefore no cronjob):
quantrocket history create-db 'nyse-eod' --universes 'nyse' --bar-size '1 day'
I fetch price and fundamentals data daily.
I've noted that fetching price data uses the db ('nyse-eod'), while fetching fundamentals uses directly the universe ('nyse').
My question is: if there are changes in the universe (for example new listings), will they be taken into account automatically when downloading the price data or I need previously to update the database 'nyse-eod'?
And If a database update is a necessary step, how do I do that? (I've only found 'create-db' but no 'update-db').
Thank you very much!