Jupyter container failing to start

Hello @Brian
When starting up docker today the Jupyter container doesn’t start. All containers are running fine but the Jupyter container keeps trying to restart and showing a red icon. Appreciate your guidance on how to fix this.

I'm not sure what red icon you're referring to. Can you be a little more specific about what output you're seeing? You can check the jupyter container logs by running:

docker compose logs jupyter

And you can try re-creating the container:

docker compose up -d --force-recreate jupyter

Thanks, output shows:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ipython_genutils'

This package may have been uninstalled or changed to another version when I installed some new packages which may be what is causing the error.

I went ahead with force-recreate as some of the packages I installed will no longer need. I will keep track of any version changes in dependencies when reinstalling packages in case this happens again.