Hello everyone,
The last couple of days I tried to collect fundamentals for my algorithm. I constantly ran into the same error in Flightlog, saying: WARNING ibg1 client 6000 got IB error code 2105: HMDS data farm connection is broken: fundfarm.
I got in touch with IB support team and have uploaded my log files and they said, that this error comes from to many requests per minute. The API Request Limit is 6.
I guess, I might not be the only one running into this problem, so I wanted to ask you if you could implement an API Request Limit in the collect_reuters_estimates and collect_reuters_financials functions?
A simple argument where someone can enter the amount of requests per minute might be enough. In the background the function should get executed no more than this many times in one minute. In my case something like this would work:
collect_reuters_estimates(universes='nyse', request_amounts=6)
This might be a great addition to the QuantRocket API.