IBKR Subscription Issue

I am trying to gain access to the following:

exchanges="ARCA", symbols="SPY", sec_types="ETF")

exchanges="CBOE", symbols="VIX", sec_types="IND")

exchanges="NYSE", symbols="TRIN-NYSE", sec_types="IND")

I have the following subscriptions:

Using the Market Data Assistant with the VIX for example:

Since I have the US Securities Snapshot and Futures Value Bundle, I should have access correct?

I tried posting this on the IBKR forum, but I am new to IBKR and kept getting 'post is too short errors'.
Any help is appreciated!

Trading permission is distinct from market data permission and should be configurable by following the link in your screenshot. Ultimately this is a better question for IBKR to answer - try customer service rather than the IBKR forum.