IBKR SPX default minute timezone

My 1 min SPX data looks like central time giving 08:30:00 as the start time & 14:59:00 end although get_timezone() returns Etc/UTC. All other minutes databases are 09:30:00 and 15:59:00 for fields=Close. Don't see anything in docs about the ability to force a timezone during creation.

from quantrocket.history import create_ibkr_db
               bar_size="1 min",


Bars are stored in the timezone of the exchange, which in this case is US/Central since the indexes are managed by CBOE in Chicago. You can control the timezone at query time using the timezone parameter of get_prices (API Reference) or the TIMEZONE parameter of Moonshot.

I thought that was it but couldn't figure out how to initially store as EST (or if possible). I read the NOTE on applying timezone & time parameters in get_prices and see I have to pass a list of central times, then timezone is applied after.
I kept trying to pass times=['09:30:00', '15:59:00'] & timezone='America/New_York'

# works
prices = get_prices("spx-1min-prices", 
                    times=['08:30:00', '14:59:00'], # SPX stored in central time, so times filter applied first
                    timezone='America/New_York'     # Casted to EST after times param applied.