I just want to see the my moonshot strategy's selection results without a real broker account

I want to see the latest stocks selected by applying my strategy based on Moonshot, but when I issue the trade command, I get the following error.

$ quantrocket moonshot trade my-model -o orders.csv

msg: '(''400 Client Error: BAD REQUEST for url: http://houston/account/balances.csv?latest=True&accounts=DU12345&fields=NetLiquidation'',
{''status'': ''error'', ''msg'': ''No account balances match the query parameters''})'
status: error

Below is the contents of the /codeload/quantrocket.moonshot.allocations.yml file.

my-model: 1

Do I need a real broker account to see the results?

Thank you in advance.

Your allocations YAML is telling Moonshot to allocate 100% of the current value of account DU12345 to the strategy, so Moonshot needs to look up the current value of account DU12345. Since there is no such account, you get this error.

If you don't want to connect a real account (live or paper), a workaround is to insert a pretend record into the account database. Run this from a JupyterLab terminal, substituting the account balance you want Moonshot to use (1000000 in this example).

sqlite3 /var/lib/quantrocket/quantrocket.v2.account.balance.sqlite 'INSERT INTO LatestBalance (Broker, Account, Currency, NetLiquidation, Paper) VALUES ("ibkr", "DU12345", "USD", "1000000", 0)'

After that, please run:

quantrocket license get --force-refresh

Then try the Moonshot trade command again.

That works like a charm!

Thank you as always.