How to remove existing IB gateway


I have launched 2 IB gateways and now would like to remove one of it from launchpad, I found that it's not as simple as comment out the configuration in docker compose file. Launchpad always remember the IB gateway that I has been removed and keep invoke to the gateway.

To stop and remove ibg1:

docker-compose -p quantrocket stop ibg1
docker-compose -p quantrocket rm ibg1
# make launchpad forget
docker-compose -p quantrocket restart launchpad

Then you can comment out or remove ibg1 from your Compose file if desired.

Hi Brian, Thanks for the help, but I still can found ibg1 in quantrocket launchpad status after perform the above commands.

You can also just change the credentials in your Compose file to whatever you want for ibg1, and redeploy it:

docker-compose -p quantrocket up -d ibg1

Or you could reset Docker and start over.