Error fetching data from ib: Filtering securities to permitted exchanges

i am following the instructions given in 'Getting started with equities Part I: Fetching data'
i have issued the following commands but get the error message shown from flightlog
it appears to indicate i requested 6 securies but 0 are permitted
WARNING Filtering securities to permitted exchanges: NYSE (6 securities requested, 0 permitted).
my interactive brokers account is subscribed for nyse market data.
and my quantrocket account has the exchange nyse subscribed
any help would be appreciated


PS C:\Users\Darryl\quantrocket> quantrocket master universe 'demo-stocks' --infile securities2.csv
code: demo-stocks
inserted: 6
provided: 6
total_after_insert: 6
PS C:\Users\Darryl\quantrocket> quantrocket history create-db 'demo-stocks-1d' --universes 'demo-stocks' --bar-size '1 day'
status: successfully created quantrocket.history.demo-stocks-1d.sqlite
PS C:\Users\Darryl\quantrocket> quantrocket history fetch 'demo-stocks-1d'
status: the historical data will be fetched asynchronously

--------error from flightlog------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e[0me[33m2018-01-31 19:44:43 quantrocket.master: WARNING Filtering securities to permitted exchanges: NYSE (6 securities requested, 0 permitted)
e[0me[31m2018-01-31 19:44:43 quantrocket.history: ERROR [demo-stocks-1d] Fetching demo-stocks-1d history failed due to error: ('400 Client Error: BAD REQUEST for url: http://houston/master/securities.csv?universes=demo-stocks', {'status': 'error', 'msg': 'No securities match the query parameters'})

The permission message is about quantrocket permissions not IB permissions. It confirms that your allowed exchange is NYSE. Are you sure the stocks in your demo-stocks universe are listed on NYSE (as the primary listing exchange)?

The securities2.csv was obtained by running:
quantrocket master get --exchanges 'NYSE' --sec-type 'STK' --outfile securities2.csv
the six securities in the file are:
4027, AAP,STK,0,NYSE
4050, ABM,STK,0,NYSE
4065, ABT,STK,0,NYSE
4151, ADC,STK,0,NYSE
4165, ADM,STK,0,NYSE
4187, ADX,STK,0,NYSE
The file states they are all listed on nyse as the primary exchange
however i could not find ADC listed according to Listings Directory for NYSE Stocks
i dont know if that helps.

Puzzling. Nothing you posted looks amiss.

Do you get the filtering warning if you query that universe directly (as the history service is trying to do)?

quantrocket master get -u demo-stocks

looks like the same error, this is with flightlog -d.

[1;36mquantrocket_flightlog_1|2018-01-31 22:27:24 quantrocket.master: WARNING Filtering securities to permitted exchanges: NYSE (6 securities requested, 0 permitted)e[0m
e[1;37m quantrocket_houston_1| - - [31/Jan/2018:22:27:24 +0000] "POST /flightlog/handler HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "-" "-"e[0m
e[1;37m quantrocket_houston_1| - - [31/Jan/2018:22:27:24 +0000] "GET /master/securities.csv?universes=demo-stocks HTTP/1.1" 400 71 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"e[0m

Double check what's in that universe directly in the database. You can go into one of the containers:

docker exec -ti quantrocket_db_1 bash

Then run this query:

sqlite3 /var/lib/quantrocket/quantrocket.master.main.sqlite 'select s.ConId, Symbol, SecType, PrimaryExchange from security s inner join universe u on u.ConId = s.ConId where u.Code = "demo-stocks"'

you may be on to something.
i issued the commands:

PS C:\Users\Darryl\quantrocket> docker exec -ti quantrocket_db_1 bash
root@85c4d8f6d543:/# sqlite3 /var/lib/quantrocket/quantrocket.master.main.sqlite 'select s.ConId, Symbol, SecType, PrimaryExchange from security s inner join universe u on u.ConId = s.ConId where u.Code = "demo-stocks"'

nothing is returned from the sql query.
using sqlitestudio i connected to the quantrocket.master.main.sqlite database
and found it consisted of 7 tables:


only the timezone table contained any data all the other tables are empty.
i dont know what this database should contain but i suspect this is wrong!

If you get results from this query there must be data in some securities master database somewhere. Do you have two deployments running by chance? Check docker ps.

I believe I have this same problem:

user@ubuntu:~/quantrocket$ quantrocket flightlog stream 

2018-02-20 15:18:48 quantrocket.master: WARNING Filtering securities to permitted exchanges: NASDAQ (29 securities requested, 0 permitted)
2018-02-20 15:18:48 quantrocket.history: ERROR [demo-stocks-1d] Fetching demo-stocks-1d history failed due to error: ('400 Client Error: BAD REQUEST for url: http://houston/master/securities.csv?universes=demo-stocks', {'status': 'error', 'msg': 'No securities match the query parameters'})

user@ubuntu:~/quantrocket$ quantrocket master get --exchanges ‘NASDAQ’ --sec-type 'STK' --outfile securities2.csv
msg: No securities match the query parameters
status: error

So maybe my universe isn't set. So I try:

user@ubuntu:~/quantrocket$ quantrocket master universe 'demo-stocks' --infile securities.csv -r
code: demo-stocks
inserted: 29
provided: 29
total_after_insert: 29
user@ubuntu:~/quantrocket$ quantrocket master get -u demo-stocksmsg: No securities match the query parameters
status: error

I was following the demo-stocks-1d tutorial but this is where I am stuck.

Regarding this query, it looks like you have smart quotes around NASDAQ; those will be treated as part of the search query. If you remove the smart quotes does the query return data?


user@ubuntu:~/quantrocket$ quantrocket master get --exchanges NASDAQ --sec-type 'STK' --outfile securities2.csv

msg: No securities match the query parameters
status: error
user@ubuntu:~/quantrocket$ quantrocket master get --exchanges 'NASDAQ' --sec-type 'STK' --outfile securities2.csv
msg: No securities match the query parameters
status: error

Did you previously fetch the listings from IB (quantrocket master listings -e NASDAQ -t STK) and did flightlog report that some listings were saved to the db?

If so, I would look in the database directly and see if anything is there:

docker exec -ti quantrocket_db_1 bash
$ sqlite3 /var/lib/quantrocket/quantrocket.master.main.sqlite 'select ConId, Symbol, SecType, PrimaryExchange from Security'

If nothing is there, and something was there at one point, I would check if there are somehow two deployments by running docker ps and seeing if there are any containers that don't start with quantrocket_.

Looks like I had an empty database. I reran the commands and now I'm good! Thank you.