thanks for the reply
i did not run command from inside jupyter.
i ran it from the powershell command line
is that correct?.
re running the command
PS C:\Users\Darryl\quantrocket> docker-compose -p quantrocket up -d
quantrocket_jupyter_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_zipline_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_ibg1_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_db_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_codeload_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_moonshot_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_launchpad_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_flightlog_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_license-service_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_countdown_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_houston_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_account_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_master_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_fundamental_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_blotter_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_history_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_satellite_1 is up-to-date
quantrocket_logspout_1 is up-to-date
shows all containers are upto date
displaying the version with docker ps shows the license-service is 1.5.0
and i license server still does not have a set argument.
the old version of quantrocket i updated from, the license key was defined as an environment variable.
which i have removed,
any ideas