Download_market_data_file returning 'No market data matches the query parameters'


We are trying to get a snapshot using the create_tick_db command. So we have the following code:
from quantrocket.master import list_universes
{'universe': 15}

from quantrocket.realtime import create_tick_db
create_tick_db(etf_database_name, universes='universe')
{'status': 'successfully created tick database etfdatabase'}

from quantrocket.realtime import collect_market_data
collect_market_data(etf_database_name, snapshot=True, wait=True)
{'status': 'completed market data snapshot for etfdatabase'}

from quantrocket.realtime import download_market_data_file

We are getting:
NoRealtimeData: ('400 Client Error: BAD REQUEST for url: http://houston/realtime/etfdatabase.csv', {'status': 'error', 'msg': 'no market data matches the query parameters'})

We have also tried with the following create_tick_db variations (SPY and AAPL conIds) but we are getting the same error message:
create_tick_db(etf_database_name, conids=['756733'])
create_tick_db(etf_database_name, conids=['265598'])

Any help with that?


Was the market open then? If not the IB API won't send back data (it will send back a "snapshot end" message for each security which is why QuantRocket says it completed).

Trying again with the market open and some changes in the IB Account Management solved the issue.