Daily price data for 7/7 missing

Hi Brian,

I am not sure if this is temporary but it seems that daily pricing data for the 7th of July is not available or not loading. Could you please confirm? Thanks

ingest data returns

2023-07-08 15:49:38 quantrocket.zipline: INFO [usstock-1d-bundle] No data ingested because already up-to-date

Field Date
Close 2021-07-12 140.92
2021-07-13 140.28
2021-07-14 139.82
2021-07-15 140.45
2021-07-16 138.90
2023-06-30 133.81
2023-07-03 133.67
2023-07-05 134.24
2023-07-06 132.16
2023-07-07 NaN
Name: FIBBG000BLNNH6, Length: 501, dtype: float64

Yesterday's data is now available. Please try the ingestion again.