Looking here in the API docs, I can't find if quantrocket.blotter.close_positions
closes all positions including any diff between blotter & broker.
The goal is to re-establish an account to 100% of Strategy1 although there are 3 OrderRef's of varying position size the blotter sees. Here is an example for 1 Sid:
>>'OrderRefs': {'Strategy2': 6, # Not running
'Strategy1': 81, # Currently running algo
'uncategorized': 241 # Manual Trades
'BrokerQuantity': 45 # TRUE IB Positions
'QuantityDiff': 283
If I were to run:
It would submit the OrderRefs dictionary:
Strategy2: Sell 6
Strategy1: Sell 81
Uncategorized: Buy 241
But the reality is that BrokerQuantity is accurate; 45 are in the account.
I'd like the blotter cleared so it looks like the account is fresh again. I plan to manually bring the account to cash.
Checking /var/lib/quantrocket
doesn't seem to show an easy way to rm -r
this specific blotter.
Side note: In the IB app you can't specify order-ref as you can in TWS mentioned here for manual trading. If a manual trade has to happen in the app, will this occur every time?