Can't get fundamentals data: No response received from ibg1 after 30 seconds

I believe I'm subscribed by default to Thomson Reuters Worldwide Fundamentals but I'm unable to get the fundamentals data from quantrocket. I can request fundamentals in TWS (Analyst Tools->Company Fundamentals) and it does give me a result.

user@ubuntu:~/quantrocket$ quantrocket flightlog stream 
2018-02-24 15:23:54 quantrocket.fundamental: INFO Fetching Reuters financials from IB for universes demo-stocks
2018-02-24 15:24:24 quantrocket.fundamental: ERROR No response received from ibg1 after 30 seconds for Reuters financials fundamental data request (ReportsFinStatements) for AAME (conid 265585)
2018-02-24 15:38:25 quantrocket.fundamental: INFO Saved 0 total records for 0 total securities to quantrocket.fundamental.reuters.financials.sqlite for universes demo-stocks

How can I troubleshoot this step? Thx

First I would restart IB Gateway, especially if you've had it running awhile:

quantrocket launchpad stop -w
quantrocket launchpad start -w

Unfortunately a fact of life with IB Gateway is that sometimes it goes radio silent. IB Gateway tends to behave better if restarted on a regular basis (I recommend daily).

If that doesn't resolve it, it will almost certainly be resolved by waiting, say, 12 hours and trying again. IB API responses can be spotty on Friday nights and Saturdays.