If I query on the NYSE calander at exactly 9:30AM the resutls returned are invalid:
timestamp_ago = pandas.Timestamp.now('America/New_York') - shifted_timestamp
print(list_calendar_statuses(['NYSE'], ago = timestamp_ago)['NYSE'])
this produces the following output:
2019-01-03 09:30:00-05:00
{'status': 'open', 'since': '2019-01-02T09:30:00', 'until': '2019-01-03T16:00:00', 'timezone': 'America/New_York'}
Notice that the "until" field is correct and is the same day as the day I am querying at 4pm. However the "since" field is from 24 hours before the time I am querying. This implies that the exchange remained open and trading for the last 24 hours which is obviously incorrect.
As a side note I have spent about a month with a paid subscription and ran into so many bugs in containers or code that the system is almost unusable for me. This mostly takes the form of me regularly needing to restart containers and even had to hack a few of them and rewrite them (which wasnt easy since the source code isnt available). I wouldnt mind so much if it were open source as I could actually fix these bugs as I go, but as a paid service it feels far from production ready since we rely on @Brian to address these things and can't do them ourselves. I am happy to pay for a service but it needs to work well. Either that means partially opening up the source code or using the income to pay developers to bring this up to snuff honestly.
I would be more than happy to contribute for free (since I use the system) if I could rather than just complaining. But please can we bring this system to a stable point one way or the other. Please let me know if I can help with the code.