Blotter Alpaca Monitor: TypeError(f'the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray)

Papertrail just sent me these. I don't see anything tangible breaking internally but am wondering where or why they're being generated.
TypeError(f'the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray)

[Sep 14 13:32:13]( quantrocket.blotter: ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
[Sep 14 13:32:14]( quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_log_py", line 34, in wrapped
[Sep 14 13:32:14]( quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_spooler_py", line 84, in spooler_start_order_monitor
[Sep 14 13:32:14]( quantrocket.blotter: ERROR File "sym://qrocket_blotter_alpaca_monitor_py", line 90, in run
[Sep 14 13:32:16]( quantrocket.blotter: ERROR raise TypeError(f'the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, '
[Sep 14 13:32:16]( quantrocket.blotter: ERROR TypeError: the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not NoneType

I get similar errors on a regular basis. I think in my case, it's because I have an Alpaca API account/key registered, but the account is not funded (I only use the API for the streaming data feed). When the blotter requests account info from Alpaca, it returns a None response that isn't error handled. Likewise, I haven't seen any negative impacts.

@Brian My log error below, maybe suppress the monitor for unfunded accounts?

2021-09-19 07:58:06 quantrocket.account: ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-09-19 07:58:06 quantrocket.account: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_log_py", line 34, in wrapped
2021-09-19 07:58:06 quantrocket.account: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_mule_py", line 73, in mule_collect_account_balances
2021-09-19 07:58:06 quantrocket.account: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_account_alpaca_balance_py", line 16, in collect_alpaca_account
2021-09-19 07:58:06 quantrocket.account: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_account_alpaca_balance_py", line 64, in _collect_alpaca_account
2021-09-19 07:58:06 quantrocket.account: ERROR TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
2021-09-19 07:58:06 quantrocket.account: ERROR 
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_log_py", line 34, in wrapped
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_spooler_py", line 84, in spooler_start_order_monitor
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_blotter_alpaca_monitor_py", line 97, in run
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR   File "sym://qrocket_blotter_alpaca_monitor_py", line 165, in _get_broker_open_orders
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR   File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/alpaca_trade_api/", line 272, in list_orders
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR     return [self.response_wrapper(o, Order) for o in resp]
2021-09-19 07:58:13 quantrocket.blotter: ERROR TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

@bjsun this would definitely explain it for me as well. I do have 2 at Alpaca, and one of them I just moved to $0 but still collect data. Thank you for taking the time to reach out.