Usstock-1min collect BUG

Notice I only comment out data_frequency between first and second photo.

"an unhandled exception occurred, please check flightlog for the traceback
 and notify support if the problem persists as this might be a bug"
  1. No prices in dataframe.
  2. Error if asking for 1min data (this persists even if I try using different start/end periods)

    Snippet of log:

Should there be a DB inside var/lib/quantrocket/? I don't see anything like:

Note: 2020 data w/ daily works fine.

The KeyError sounds like a cached calendar issue, the same as this issue. I don’t think it will happen in version 2.5.0 due to a change whereby workers are periodically reloaded.

Not mission critical, but running 2.5.0 and still got the same result. Also tried what you mentioned in the ticket.

docker-machine env quantrocket
eval $(docker-machine env quantrocket)
docker-compose restart zipline

Restarting quantrocket_zipline_1 ... done