See All SIDS and Universes

Hello there @Brian

I am looking to bring the Quantrocket 1 minute data that I have downloaded into a Pandas dataframe. When I do so, I get an error that there is no data for SID 6703. As per another forum question, your response was to select your SIDS and universes manually.

Is there a way I can see all the available universes and the SIDS correlated with each US stock?

Thank you,

What security on what exchange is 6703?

I don't have a SID 6703 either... SIDs usually have a letter codes on them like QI000000142026 or FIBBG00VJ17T61. So you might want to check:

  • Is 6703 a symbol or a SID? For example there's a 6703 which trades on TSEJ, but its SID is FIBBG000BGK4P3. If you're looking for something with symbol 6703, use quantrocket master get -f Sid Symbol Name | grep 6703 to find the SID if you have the symbol.
  • If it is a SID, is it in the master database? quantrocket master get -f Sid | grep 6703 . If not, you need to use one of the quantrocket master collect- commands to populate your master security database.
  • If it is in your master database, is it in your universe? Use quantrocket master get -f Sid -u my-universe | grep 6703 to check. (Replace my-universe with your universe name. You can list your universes with quantrocket master list-universes.) If it is not in your universe, create (or replace) a universe which includes it with the quantrocket universe command.

HTH! dpc

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Your error might be because there is no data for that security because it is illiquid. I noticed this post mentioned the same SID. It sounds like this is fixed if you just update.