Dear Q,
I have created a database named "quantrocket.history.nasdaq-sml-1min.sqlite" under quantrocket/databases and successfully fetching the data from IB. But becasue of some connection issue, I interrupt the fetching and restart the computer in order to fetch the data for database again. But then it shows me "no such database" after the restart. what should I do?
btw, it seems the universes I created are also disappread after the retart. I can't find where the historical unverses are stored. If I want to use historical universe to create database, where can I find them?
Thanks for your help~
I tried to create another database file. Normally after successfully created the database, I can find the file under quantrocket/databases but the strange thing is now after I created the databases, I can't find the file anywhere in my computer. I don't know where was it created. (the database can successfully fetch the data through)
I also tried to use python to open my history database to re define the universe. But it shows me the error in the pic.
I didn't make any change to the com just restarted it. But it seems some setting was changed that the quantrocket can not work as usual.
hmm don't understand why it no longer creat the database on my local com (for example: quantrocket.history.nyse-eod007.sqlite)
Please see this explanation and fix.
I know this is a frustrating and confusing issue. At least the workaround is simple.
Thanks for the quick reply brian. I tried to follow the workaround and can see my database in the list. But it seems the issue still exists: It still can't find my database file and no file show up when I creat a new database.
- Is there anyway I can find my history universe so that I don't need to define the universe again everytime I restart the com. appreciate for the help!
It turns out all the containers utilizing databases need to be restarted. The safest approach is to restart everything:
docker-compose -p quantrocket down
docker-compose -p quantrocket up -d
thanks brian. It correctly reads my database now. But it seems restarting containers makes some issues of connection when fetching data from IB. When I tried to fetch 1min data of my database, it keeps showing me the error: error fetching account balances, will try again shortly. I have waited for 1 day and tried to fetch several times but the error keeps showing and no further process happen. I also manually force refresh the account balance and it works well which is strange.
The fetch has stopped because of this error for a very long time, about 12 hours and I have tried three times. Every time it show me the same error. Any help will be appreciated~
Check the detailed logs:
quantrocket flightlog stream -d
There should be more verbose details about what the history service is doing. Is it doing something? There should also be a full traceback for the "error fetching account balances".
Also what is the output of docker ps
this is the output of docker ps:
the full log is shown in the pic below, no thing changes for about 10 hours
That's the basic log, check the detailed log by using -d
quantrocket flightlog stream -d
quantrocket flightlog get -d detailed.log
docker ps
output looks fine.
I see. And I tried to fetch the data again it shows me more error "ERROR failure checking license:
when I tied to manually get the license info, it shows me:
and this is the detailed log:
These errors indicate that various containers are having trouble making basic network connections. Are you sure your network is reliable?
Also, how much RAM does your machine have and how much is allocated to Docker? Insufficient memory is another situation where you might see this variety of network errors.
My network is reliable. I have fetched several databases before( before I restart the com, everything works fine).
The RAM of my com is 16G and 6G is allocated to Docker.
Does the problem persist if you terminate the deployment:
docker-compose -p quantrocket down
then restart Docker (Docker > Settings > Reset > Restart), then launch the deployment again?
docker-compose -p quantrocket up -d
After I restart the Docker, the problem still persist.
It seems all the containers works fine before I fetch the database. After trying to fetch the data, the containers are having trouble.
Here is the detailed log start from terminate the deployment > restart Docker > launch teh deployment again > connect IB gateway > fetch database:
Does it happen if you restart again and then fetch into another non 1-min databases? Does it happen if you restart and define an identical 1 min database and fetch into that?